Tuesday, June 9, 2009


From the day he was born till this day, I have been co-sleeping with my son! (Gasp!) And guess what? I LOVE it! I have never had a problem with him falling off the bed or me rolling over on him. I was a bit scared in the beginning with this little newborn thinking he might get caught in the blankets or I would lay on him. Never once. It turns out he was so aware, and even in his sleep if the blanket would come up too far, he would instantly kick out and put his arms up to get them off of him. It just becomes this mutual telepathic communication between mother and child. I always wake just before he does. When I was still breastfeeding, he would be hungry and I would just roll over and feed him. He slept through the night and I can say I slept excellent even in those beginning weeks and months.

I plan on having my new little one sleep with us also. This time around I am a little worried if my son will get jealous. How will he take sharing HIS bed with HIS mamma? :)

But I can honestly say there is nothing as rewarding as waking up to seeing your little one snuggled against your breast or in the crook of you arm sleeping peacefully and feeling the most protected. They know they are safe. Mamma is right there!

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