Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Nightly Wakings

So for the past week or two I have been waking up in the middle of the night and CANNOT fall back asleep! Sometimes I sleep 2 hours and then wake. Tonight it was 4 hours. It is so hard to get comfortable and my mind is racing with all the things that still need to get done. I have been stressing a lot with this pregnancy and am trying to take it easy, but sometimes it is hard.

The hardest part about my recent sleep loss is when my son wakes up on the morning. He is fully energized from a full nights sleep and wants to PLAY PLAY PLAY! He is so cute that I can't get annoyed at him. Luckily he still needs at least one nap a day and I HAVE to nap with him or be like a living zombie!

So it is almost 6 am and I am finally feeling tired again, so hopefully I can get in a few hours before the little one wakes up! Good night, or should I say good morning? :)


Sinclair said...

I hope your sleep improves! I have added your blog to my blogroll.

*Stephanie* said...

Thanks! I have my good and bad days. I added you too. :)